What is the FOCUS of 80 Day Obsession?
According to Autumn, you can expect to sculpt a killer booty & flat, toned core after completing 80 Day Obsession. It is 13 weeks of tough & demanding workouts, as well as a nutrition plan that is just as demanding.
What Can I Expect From 80 Day Obsession?
TOUGH workout routines. These workouts will average between 45-60 minutes in length. You will be exercising 6 days per week, with Sunday as a rest & recovery day!
The workouts will combine cardio & strength training in order to burn fat and sculpt & tone your muscles to build a defined core & firm, shapely lower body.
You will need minimal equipment, including dumbbells, a resistance bands & sliders.
80 Day Obsession Nutrition
If you’ve done any of Autumn’s programs in the past, you’re already familiar with her Portion Control approach when it comes to Nutrition. You can expect a very similar approach for 80 Day Obsession, but Autumn herself says that during 80 Day Obsession, she really digs deeper into the nutrition aspect and goes beyond the container system. She refers to the 80 Day Obsession Nutrition Guide as being more about “Timed Nutrition”, meaning she will be explaining the optimal things to eat before/after your workouts, as well as timing your food throughout the rest of the day. This means that literally NOTHING is left to a guess and you will know exactly what to be eating & WHEN in order to get the best possible results!
And trust me when I say, you need to be prepared to EAT A LOT during this program! You should be ready to fuel your body with lots of lean proteins, veggies, fruits, healthy fats & good carbs in order to support your metabolism and kick your fat burning/muscle building potential into high gear!
About 80 Day Obsession From Autumn Calabrese
How did the idea of 80 Day Obsession come about?
The Beachbody CEO, Carl Dialer has a whiteboard FULL of workout program ideas. One of them was an “Ass and Abs” program. He approached Autumn Calabrese about the idea of that and Country Heat about the same time. However, the technology wasn’t there to do a real-time workout yet on the platform, so Country Heat came first.
What is timed nutrition?
Timed nutrition has nothing to do with intermittent fasting, contrary to what some of you might think. It’s basically Autumn just answering some of the questions she’s received over the years on the best containers to eat at what times of the day. For example, what should you eat before your workout. The best things to eat AFTER. When should I be done with my yellows? All timed nutrition meals is that Autumn is suggesting the best macronutrients to eat when. You still get to decide what goes into your containers and when.
What about the pre-workout meal? It’s supposed to be eating an hour and a half to two hours before I work out. What if I’m an early-riser and need to work out right away?
The tough love answer is that you should still eat before you work out – it’s called OBSESSION for a reason. However, you can sub out Meal One for your pre-workout meal and do it 20 minutes before your workout instead of an hour and a half or two. If you still can’t adhere to that, you simply start your timed nutrition after you’re done with your workout.
What does the name OBSESSION mean?
80 Day Obsession is all about COMMITTING to YOURSELF. The word obsession has nothing to do with obsessing about the number on the scale, it has nothing to do with obsessing over how you look, or obsessing over calories. It’s about having a certain level of obsession over yourself and your self-care… and being OK with that. That’s what being obsessed is about.
The focus of 80 Day Obsession is 3-fold.
1. Build the glutes. Yes, we all want a great looking back side but its just as important to have a strong butt. That’s right, glutes are a big muscle that do a lot of work. We spend a lot of our day sitting on our butts, we need to get those muscles firing and functioning properly.
2. Reduce total body fat, especially in the stubborn belly area
3. Emphasize the right kind of core work to get flat but defined abdominals. It’s no secret that I’ve wanted to build my butt and I’ve been working on it for awhile now. This program proves that with the right combination of exercises and timed nutrition – shaped, firm glutes that look good and function even better doesn’t have to be restricted to the genetically gifted. The booty is made of muscle and just like any other muscle in the body, it can be built and sculpted.
The focus of 80 Day Obsession is exciting, but what I’m even more excited about is the way I get to deliver it to you over the course of 13 weeks. This isn’t 7 workouts on repeat. Every workout is unique in some way so I keep your body (and your mind) guessing and you never get bored. It’s how I would train you if you were a personal client meeting me in the gym every day.
- 16 functional and foundational workout routines
- 45-60 minutes in length
- 3 total phases with new workouts and moves for each phase
- Weekly changes to the reps, weights and intensity of that phases’ workouts so you never repeat the exact same workout.
- Weights, sliders, loops, and HIIT cardio moves to create a lean, sculpted and STRONG body.
I know the lingering question on everyone’s mind is what about the food! Here’s the deal. It’s simple, it’s delicious and it’s gonna get you the results you want. I’ve precisely timed your consumption of carbs, fat and especially protein so that your nutrition is actually doing a lot of the work for you when it comes to body shaping and fat burning. Your meals are timed around your actual workout to help grow and firm the muscles you’re working.
I’m confident you guys are going to love this macro-nutrition program because it takes all the guess work out. I literally tell you exactly how to eat AND when to eat and we use the familiar container system from 21 Day Fix to make sure you’re getting the right portion and combination of each food group when your body needs it most.
While abs and booty may be a primary vanity objective, this program is designed for your body to function optimally, to be lean, but shockingly strong. Yes, a great looking body is nice, but a great looking body that works well, moves well and feels great is truly a gift!
One last thing… I went with the word “obsession” because to achieve the kind of results this program delivers in just under three months takes a specific type of focus. You could say we’re becoming obsessed with the process, obsessed with the details that help move us forward, obsessed with self-care and obsessed with making physical, mental and even nutritional gains.

What Are The Package Options?
If you are a new customer…
The only way to get the best results is to feed your body with the best fuel you can give it. This challenge pack includes everything you need for the entire duration of the program – plus you save $275. I will be honest…. if you are wondering why you need the performance line- I will tell you this! You will be SORE, you will want to refuel with the Beachbody performance line because they are QUALITY supplements, they work amazing and they will give you FUEL before your workout and they will replenish afterwards to maximize your results! Definitely worth every single penny! I have been drinking energize for the past 4 years every morning 15 minutes before I press play and it really does give me a nice little boost to be able to crush my workout without the jitters! After your workout, within an hour of finishing I will drink recover which helps to EASE sore muscles, replenish what I broke down during the intense workout and get ready for the next workout!!!
- Shakeology on Home Direct
- 2 tubs of Energize (the science behind it)
- 4 tubs of Recover (the science behind it)
- 2 resistance bands
- Sliders and booties
- Portion Fix system
- Shaker cup
- Intro guide & calendar
- 1 year subscription to Beachbody on Demand which includes 80 Day Obsession program & all other Beachbody Fitness Programs & nutrition guides.
Are you ready to get this party started? This challenge pack includes everything you need to start out the program. And you get to save $200! The difference is if you just want to try out energize and recover for the first time you get 1x orders vs. enough supplements for the entire program.
- Shakeology on Home Direct
- 1 tub of Energize
- 1 tub of Recover
- 2 resistance bands
- Sliders and booties
- Portion Fix system
- Shaker cup
- Intro guide & calendar
- 1 year subscription to Beachbody on Demand
If you are a current customer…
This is the mother of all packages! It seriously offers the best value. You get everything you need for the program (assuming you already have BOD) AND you save $205. If you are about to expire your Beachbody ON Demand or you don’t have it—> Check the packages above!!!
- Shakeology on Home Direct
- 2 tubs of Energize
- 4 tubs of Recover
- 2 resistance bands
- Sliders and booties
- Portion Fix system
- Shaker cup
- Intro guide & calendar
Are you ready to get re-engaged? Then this package is for you. Save $130 and get ready for 80 days of obsession!!
- Shakeology on Home Direct
- 1 tub of Energize
- 1 tub of Recover
- 2 resistance bands
- Sliders and booties
- Portion Fix system
- Shaker cup
- Intro guide & calendar
And a special bonus…
Beachbody is offering a pre-launch discount! If you order your 80 Day Obsession challenge pack between December 14th and January 14th, you’ll automatically get $10 off! You will also gain access to an exclusive test group with 80 Day Obsession creator Autumn Calabrese.
Want to be in an exclusive test group with Autumn?! This is a short time offer so don't delay!!
Email: NicoleJonesFitness@yahoo.com with Subject line: 80 Day Test Group