As Jim Rohn once said 'Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you can't get more time'
Boy that rings true!! And as I sit here looking over my 1099 from Beachbody I realize that what I made this past year would have taken me 5.6 yrs at my old job. 5.6 yrs!! WOW! All that time I got back is PRICELESS!!! The free trips & perks are awesome too, but that time I gained means the most to me💕 I took a leap of faith with this. I had seen others success and knew I wanted more out of life. So why not me?! I'm so glad I did. My only regret is not knowing about this sooner. If lil ol me with zero business training or fancy degrees can take my team to top 1% of the company (3 yrs running), think of your possibilities as a Beachbody Coach!
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